The Light Robot Masters is a group that appears in the Mega Man comic series, and in the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spinoffs, published by Archie Comics They are a group of Robot Masters created by Dr Light on Earth in the year XX in another Zone They include his robotic "children" Mega Man, Proto Man, and RollBurner Man (バーナーマン , Bānā Man) is a firethemed Robot Master from Mega Man & Bass that is based on a Bunsen burner Designed to bring harm to natural environments, he entered King 's army and was ordered to destroy nature upon his entry King tricked him into believing that he must burn a forest every day or else a selfdestructThe Roboticized Masters were a joint series of robots created by Dr Wily and Dr Ivo Robotnik (also known as Dr Eggman) in the Archie Comics crossovers Worlds Collide and Worlds Unite Incorporating the best aspects of Dr Wily's Robot Master creations with Eggman's Roboticization protocols (turning Mobians into robotic organisms), these machines incorporated various special
Fan Made Robot Masters Bulldozer Man By Drmatthew178 On Deviantart
Mega man fan made robot masters deviantart